Kyler opened his flying saucer kit. He claims it's his 3rd best gift, next to his air hockey table and science kits.
Meet Dr. Feelgood, ha ha, that's what her name badge says!
Kyler and dad playing with the saucer.
Santa's treats; homemade chocolate chip cookies, milk and a picture Lex made him.
The kids checking out their stockings. Santa brought them their very own photo album to put pics of loved ones they are missing, so start sending the kids some pictures if you have any spare (I'm going to have some printed for them as well).
Kyler got an owl Build a Bear named Marvin.
Lex got her Liv doll.
He got his Hotwheel color shifter set.
She has been wanting to wear a dress everyday and all she has are summer dresses, so Santa brought her a winter dress. She loves it. It's a size 7!! She's only 5, wow...tall kids.
Notice my new mixer?? Wow, I love it. I have wanted one since I was16 (in my cooking class in high school we had these) but have never realistically asked for one being as they are so expensive. But my husband was great and bought it for me.
Kyler challenged grandpa to a game of air hockey!

Lexi posing in her new dress (this picture's for you, grandpa) and her new beautiful bow from aunt Marissa who sent her TONS for her stocking, THANKS!! (she's also holding the note Santa left them)
Lexi posing in her new dress (this picture's for you, grandpa) and her new beautiful bow from aunt Marissa who sent her TONS for her stocking, THANKS!! (she's also holding the note Santa left them)