I have called him since the day he was born, my sunshine, because that is exactly what he brought into our world. He is an absolute joy, an amazing soul from the start. I always had high expectations from him and he's never once let me down; never ceased to amaze me in any way. He was an early talker, early to learn basically everything. He was always a sweet boy-a mama's boy. When he became a big brother, he was the best big brother I'd seen. When he became school aged, he always brought home great reports (in his first quarter of 3rd grade, he was reading at an 8th grade level), awards(last year he won Citizen of the Year award, only 1 other student in his class won this) and has always been loved by his teachers (his teacher told him she wished she had a class full of him). He says the sweetest things to me ("if everyone had a mom like you, the world would be a better place.") and is much mature than I'd expect from someone his age.
Comedy to him, is a big deal. He has such a great sense of humor, is so witty and loves making others laugh. I always say he's a split between his dad and uncle Joey.
Now I know I'm his mother and obviously biased. However, my thoughts are solidified often by others. I just feel utterly lucky and blessed that I am fortunate enough to share in his life.
Now let me share in a few of my favorite Kyler memories/photos:
Newborn Kyler. He was a handsome boy from the start.

Being a mother is often the most beautiful and bittersweet thing. I love to see my children grow and blossom into their own beings, but I dread the day they are ready to leave 'the nest'. So with all this being said, it's time for my sunshine to turn 9...
Here's to the best 9th year known to man, I love you to pieces.