

All seated and ready to go. The seats swivel so we can face each other or the front.

Loving mom.

Her turn to row.

Making Valentine's treats.

Taking the boat out for round 2.

Lexi fishing.

Seal Rock.

Jared checking out the rocks.

See all of the sea urchins? Jared caught a rock fish in here. I love how much life you find here.
Can you see the little crab? Jared caught him in a tide pool.
Lexi making sand castles.
Kyler playing football.
Standing in the waves. They had such a blast! It was nice to sit and relax in the warm sun and watch the kids play.
Sooo...we are having a baby! Due in October.

Jared checking out the rocks.

See all of the sea urchins? Jared caught a rock fish in here. I love how much life you find here.

We are thrilled. The kids are so anxious and excited. They fight over who gets to share their room with the baby (as I expected the fighting to go the other way). They are constantly hugging and loving my belly. It's wonderful to see them so happy. March 30th we will have our first ultrasound, we can hardly wait.
and now...on to March!