Fishing day in the boat. We had a great time. Weather was beautiful, the kids were catching steelhead left and right, granted they were smolt, but they were still happy. It was wonderful to kick up my feet and absorb the sun as the kids and Jared had fun with the fish.
Waterloo. This place is so gorgeous. We saw 2 bald eagles fly overhead.

Mr. Kyler, the fisherman. He out fished everyone. I believe we stopped counting at 8 for him, so in reality he probably caught about 12-15 I'm guessing.

Jared doesn't mess his waders and all. He was going for the bigg'ns but the smolt kept biting.

Sassy Lexi. She fished for a minute, then played Barbies, then fished, then snacked...etc... She caught fish all by herself, no help. Big girl.

One of Lexi's little guys. Steelhead are beautiful fish, super fighters though. Wow...

Kyler holding one of his little guys.

And another...

Lexi holding hers.

Reeling in another.

She thought the babies were "so cute."

His favorite thing to do:

Kyler took this picture of me. 13 weeks and a few days along. I am showing sooner this time than I did with the other two. I am LOVING being out of the horrid 1st trimester though, nausea has lightened up and my exhaustion isn't as extreme. Now I have headaches and dizziness, but I'll take that any day over the other symptoms. :) Can't wait for my next doctor appointment, May 5th.

Another belly shot:

I LOVE Kyler's school. They always have SO many amazing activities for the whole family. Yesterday they had a carnival. They had bounce houses, games, snacks, balloon animals, treats, and raffles. We had a blast.
Kyler going down the slide:

Lexi's turn:

On this one the kids raced each other, this was the finish line:

Lexi in the Scooby Doo bounce house.

Kyler's turn.

Standing in line. Lexi looks miserable in this photo, but in reality she had a blast.

The slide again:

Playing one of the games, fishing for treats.

This one was funny, the kids sit or stand on their square and throw this ball at each other. Lexi was battling much older boys, ha ha, she is a tough girl!

Kyler playing the "T.P. toss" game.

The sun canvas was made by Kyler's class.

Lexi playing the "snack walk". She won a cookie. Kyler won on his first try, he won donuts.

The weather has been perfect-60s and this time of the year. Unfortunately we took Kyler to the doctor yesterday for a week long, relentless cough and it turns out to be walking pneumonia. He has the best immune system in any kid I've ever seen, he's never had an ear infection (neither of them have), has only had a few colds and the flu a few times, so this was surprising. The doctor said he has an incredible immunity and that his oxygen saturation was at 99% which is unheard of for a person with pneumonia (perfect oxygen saturation is 100%). She prescribed him an antibiotic and a codeine cough syrup to help him sleep. She said he'll be over it in a few days.