She has my fingers and toes!

Sponge bath time.


It was great having my mom here. She spoiled us all with her fabulous cooking and of course, shopping too much for us! We miss her already. I hope her next visit isn't far away. I couldn't have asked for a better mom, friend and grandmother to my kids, thanks mom for everything! I am forever grateful to you. Thanks for being here for the support with Winky's passing.
The last few weeks have been filled with a lot of high highs (Arilyn's arrival, my mom's visit, etc) and low lows (Winky's passing, my mom's departure, postpartum emotions, etc). But all has worked out. I am so happy with our new family; Arilyn has blended in so well with daily life. We all love and adore her so much. She is such a content, calm baby. She has begun baby talking and smiling in reaction to our voices. It's hard to believe she's 3 weeks already. She now weighs 9 lbs!! Wow...the time is flying.