Our Easter started off at 7 am with the kids saying "it's Easter!" and me replying "stay in your bed, wait for me to get the camcorder ready!!" haha to which they listened to. They ran out to their baskets, full of candy and toys. They were so excited, it was so fun to see the light in their eyes spark.
At 11 we met up with my mom, brothers, sister, sister in law and nephews at the park. The kids hunted eggs and we played football and frisbee. My mom brought the kids a TON of stuff: kites, balls, footballs, chocolates, and silly string. She brought me some beautiful orange lillies. We had a great time.
At 3 we headed to my sister in laws for dinner with my mother in law, sister in laws, brother in law, grandmother in law, nephews and niece. We had a good time chatting and the kids spent the day outside jumping on the trampoline.
Overall it was a great Easter, on the way home I asked the kids if they had a good time and Kyler said "best Easter ever!" Hope everyone had a great day.
my mother in law, Carol, with Jared.

Carol and my sister in law Nicole

Kyler and Carol

Lexi and Carol

at the park:
Kyler flying his new kite

Lexi loving her chocolate duck from grandma

egg faced Lexi, she loved the hard boiled eggs!

hunting for eggs

Gabriel, Kyler, Lexi and Danielle

she found one!

This is Kyler's big Easter gift, it shows you all the star constellations

Lexi's big gift, Littlest Pet Shop set

Lexi's basket

Kyler's basket

Easter eve:
heading to bed, acting like bunnies

the eggs the kids made

my mama's famous Easter cupcakes she started when she was 17. This year Lexi decorated the majority herself!

decorating eggs: