It's been a beautiful week, in the 70s! Too bad Jared's missing it, he left to Chicago yesterday for a trade show. It's just a short trip, he'll return Thursday. As soon as he gets home, I'll have everything packed and loaded in the car ready to drive to Oregon. We're going to look at homes, well pretty much one in particular that the landlord said it's ours if we want it and so far we LOVE it. :)
Some photos of the week...
Marissa sent Lexi 4 new bows! Here's adorable is that? Thanks aunt Marissa!

Lexi and Gabriel playing at the park...

Lexi, Kyler and Danielle...

me and Danielle...

Danielle babies Lexi TOO much...

me and Lexi...

posing in her new dress....

Hope everyone has a great week!
cute pics!!