Some photos from the last week:
Wednesday, Joey, Lexi and I took my mom to breakfast.
He is such a good uncle, he has so much fun playing with the kids.

We went to my in law's to help vacuum out their pool and ended up going to dinner together and later the kids decided they wanted to spend the night with grandma and Aunt Nicole.
grandma and Kyler (being goofy as always)

grandma and Lexi

Lexi, aunt Nicole and Kyler

Lexi and connor

The kids and I had a sleep over at my mom's last night. We had a blast! We ordered pizza, played Monopoly (which has quickly become Kyler's favorite game!) and made hot fudge brownie sundaes.
I have only told a few, but on Monday morning, my mom had a really terrible fall down the stairs at her home. She called me telling me she couldn't get the bleeding to stop, I rushed over there and took her to the ER, her entry way of her home looked like a murder scene, it was horrific! I was so afraid and angry! She had been to the dr. the previous day worried about her hip, and he said she was fine and sent her home. Well, he was wrong. She got home and her hip gave out and she took a brutal beating down her stairs (black eye, bruises EVERYWHERE, blood, cuts, etc). I get so fed up with drs she has to deal with. Anyone who knows anything about my mom and her situation SHOULD understand. She injured herself 20 years ago by working TOO hard trying to support her kids on her own. Since then, she has been looked down upon and frowned upon for her prescription pain medications her dr gives her. She suffers from chronic pain on a daily basis. I (and most) cannot even begin to understand what that is like. She is an amazing mom, grandmother, (was) daughter, sister, aunt, friend and just a very giving, loving, empathetic person and it angers me beyond belief that this happened simply because the dr thought he was GOD and had the right to judge someone. NO ONE has that right! She is healing wonderfully, as she is a very strong person. I love her so dearly and I just hope people will stop judging her and others. I didn't mean to rant, but it hurts to see someone you love and you know is simply amazing in every aspect of the word, be treated like that.
Today at my mom's:
Danielle and I
Danielle and I
way cute blog and adorable pics !