Lexi's room
the kids bathroom
Kyler's room, apparently he wasn't in a photogenic mood
Sunday, at home:
Lexi decided she wanted to show me all of her poses and have me take pictures, haha!
then it was Kyler's turn, haha
always goofy
mi papa enjoying the scenery
me and the kids hanging out on the porch after we finished planting tulip bulbs
Jared playing in the water with the kids
Lexi wanted me to lay my head on her lap and take a picture, she's such a little mama
loving her mama
me and Kyler cuddling on the couch, something we haven't been able to do for a few weeks now.
up close, look at those big blue eyes...
I made homemade jam today! the strawberries are grown from our garden, picked yesterday, cleaned, smashed and turned into 6 jars of delicious jam today! who knew I would make jam?
My brother and his family are arriving Thursday morning to stay for a week and a half, that will help this transitional period. My aunt from New Mexico arrives July 7th as well. I just found out today one of my best friends I have known since I was 4 is coming out July 12 through the 18th with her family. Her kids and ours love each other and our husbands are nearly inseparable, so that will be great. We can hardly wait.
We met one of our neighbors today, she is a very sweet lady. I made an extra jar of jam to take to her tomorrow.
Our nephew was born this morning at 9:18 am! He is a beautiful, big baby boy! I can hardly wait to meet him. Congratulations Ian and Marissa!
wow ur house is soo gorgeous jen.. im sooo happy for you guys.. and i CANT wait to come and see it!!! i luv lexis bedspread it matches PERFECTLy with her wall paint!! i lu vhow u have the living room set up too!! the jam looks amazing!! i miss you guys, but we will see yall soon!!