I miss being a kid, everything is so fun. They had a blast, we heard them giggle all night for two nights; a beautiful sound to hear as you drift to sleep.
We had two rainy days here, it was refreshing. The storm brought a cool, clean breeze and the smell of the wet pines trees is unlike another other. We took a drive to different parts of the river and passed this reservoir, very pretty.
then we decided to stop at the fish hatchery, something my dad always took me to do as a child. I have so many memories of feeding fish at the hatchery and now, hopefully, my kids will have those memories too. Look at how huge these trout and sturgeon are!
The wildflowers below are so perfect, they look fake.
I had to pose Lexi in front of these flowers.
standing in front of these monstrous fish!
Today we decided to take a 30 mile drive to a state park here that is rated as one of the top state parks, Silver Falls. It is an 8 mile hike with 10 waterfalls. We set out, not sure what to expect as far as how long the kids little legs will carry them. We ended up making it to 2 falls and walked about 3-4 miles round trip. It was intoxicating; the fresh clean smell, the breeze, the coolness of the shade, the beauty...all of it. Wow, we had a great day!
the kids and I

It's so lush and gorgeous everywhere you look.
Jared and Kyler

silly faces!

the first waterfall, this is the second largest one. We didn't make it to the largest, but I'm hoping we'll eventually be able to hike the whole way kids in tow. We could easily do it ourselves, but what fun would that be sans-kids?

my handsome guy

under the waterfall.

side shot.

Jared and the kids.

the river.
they had so much fun!

one more of Kyler in front.

Taking a rest.

Hollowed out tree with 2 strange kids inside!?

This photo is the start of Lex's bad mood...
the progression of her pout:
It's so lush and gorgeous everywhere you look.
silly faces!
the first waterfall, this is the second largest one. We didn't make it to the largest, but I'm hoping we'll eventually be able to hike the whole way kids in tow. We could easily do it ourselves, but what fun would that be sans-kids?
my handsome guy
under the waterfall.
side shot.
Jared and the kids.
the river.
one more of Kyler in front.
Taking a rest.
Hollowed out tree with 2 strange kids inside!?
This photo is the start of Lex's bad mood...
(see what I mean when I talk about what a good kid she is? this is about as bad as she gets, she just sulks)

Kyler stayed all smiles all day.

daddy to the rescue, he gave her a piggy ride in effort to cheer her up.
the second falls:

the kids and I (Lexi blinking)

as we were walking under the falls, this is the view above us:

the kids and I under (ignore my hair-haha)

the side view

Jared and the kids

love the moss!
kids and I, Lexi still isn't fully cheered up.

Can you see the hiking trail zig zagging through? You may have to view the photo full size.

the river

Jared and Lexi, she's still upset; tired and hungry.

slowly starting to cheer up

so pretty.

Now she's happy! She defeated daddy in a race! Notice her arms raised in victory and his head hung in defeat? HAHA

Always goofy

she FINALLY posed! wow, I have never had to put that much effort into getting her to pose.
nearing the journey's end, our last break.

As we were driving home, I noticed how messed up my pinky still appears. I cannot flatten it out. It has healed just fine but it definitely looks odd.

Kyler stayed all smiles all day.
daddy to the rescue, he gave her a piggy ride in effort to cheer her up.
the kids and I (Lexi blinking)
as we were walking under the falls, this is the view above us:
the kids and I under (ignore my hair-haha)
the side view
Jared and the kids
love the moss!
Can you see the hiking trail zig zagging through? You may have to view the photo full size.
the river
Jared and Lexi, she's still upset; tired and hungry.
slowly starting to cheer up
so pretty.
Now she's happy! She defeated daddy in a race! Notice her arms raised in victory and his head hung in defeat? HAHA
Always goofy
she FINALLY posed! wow, I have never had to put that much effort into getting her to pose.
As we were driving home, I noticed how messed up my pinky still appears. I cannot flatten it out. It has healed just fine but it definitely looks odd.
So, here we go, once again trying to make good memories for our kids to reflect upon as adults. Looking back, childhood seemed so magical and wonderous and I want that for my kids as well, only more. They deserve so much and I hope we are giving them all they need/desire. Not to mention, we have such an amazing time seeing life through their eyes on our new adventures, it kind of brings that childhood magic to a new level, a level where WE are making the magic happen for our kids. At least, that's my dream...
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