Jared fishing the river. He has caught two cutthroat trout on his fly rod at this spot. He bought some waders so he can venture into the water waist deep and keep dry.
Keeping myself entertained. I am almost done with this book, and I recommend it to everyone. (haha, I wondered why Lexi's pants were so muddy when we got home, then I saw this picture. I love how she stayed behind me so I didn't see her dig in the mud!)

I took this photo of the fog the other morning and it came out kind of interesting. I love the fog!
haha, this is so cute.
Today Kyler had a field trip to Oregon State University. I was so worried I wouldn't be well enough to go, but luckily I was. He was so happy to have me volunteer and I was so happy I could. I had 4 boys in my group, Tom, Angel, Jacob and my Kyler. They were, for the most part, pretty calm. We had so much fun. The students at OSU had so many experiments for them to try, reptiles to touch, art to see, and there were even some goodies involved.
While we were loading into the bus, Kyler said "I'm sitting with my mom!" He's not embarrassed to me a mama's boy. ;) At one point, he was hanging on me so much, Mrs. Taylor said "Kyler you're going to have to share your mom." then laughed. He was just so happy! As was I.
Here Angel is trying a static electricity ball, his hair stood straight up!
Do you remember these drinks?

The kids made "gel beads" which are what those little balls in the Orbitz drinks are made of. They had so much fun.
Kyler touching the boa constrictor.
Here all 4 boys are exploring the snakes and turtles. They even had 2 American alligators there.
Tom and Kyler with Pablo, the parrot.
Jacob searching for a buried mug with a radiation finder. I never knew how many household items contain radiation, odd.
Hope everyone is having a great week!