Kyler and I cuddling
Lexi posing, as always
Daddy teaching her how to properly throw a disc.
He's a pro!
After every throw or anytime I would pull out the camera, she'd pose like this. Haha...
This course is gorgeous...
Fall colors are more apparent everyday
So pretty
"I made it!!!"
Taking a break...
playing in the leaves
"Look mom, this leaf is as big as my head!"
Kyler was being silly after school, he wouldn't let me take a normal picture...haha..
Fall is here...the air is crisp and clean, the colors are vibrant and fiery, you can hear the breezes blowing through the trees causing the leaves to dance to the ground; aw it's just magical. It's the perfect weather to find an excuse to bake, to hang out by the fire, to rent movies and stay in your PJ's all day...who doesn't like fall? It's time to be home with those you love.
A nice story from the last week:
Kyler brought home 3 friends from school the other day. He came running in the house,
"mom you wanna meet my friends? They're here!"It turns out his friends, 1 boy and 2 girls, live around the corner from us. Since then he has been in such a better mood knowing he has friends nearby.
ha ha i luv that pic of jared struttin his stuff mid throw ha ha nerd!!! and lexi is the model of the fam.. i tell ya all the time.. the girl should model!!! kyler looks like he's trying to force out a beer gut that just isnt there!! ha ha