The kids have been DYING to go to the snow, so we took a drive and played in the snow for a few hours.

So beautiful!

He is a snow man for sure!

She spends her time eating snow!

So gorgeous:

January 1st aka
Kyler having his breakfast of choice: blueberry pancakes, bacon, hash brown patties (McDonald's style) and hot chocolate. For dinner, he chose homemade fettuccine alfredo.

Daddy bought him a fishing pole, he's so anxious to fish with dad now:

Seeing his electric scooter for the first time, he was thrilled, to say the least:

Testing out the scooter, he has so much fun on this thing:

Showing him the cake for the first time, he had no idea what my intent was. He loved it! (it's a volcano being as he is SO fascinated with them. This is before I finished it off with candles)

My handsome 8 year old, so hard to believe that much time has passed! It's heartbreaking to watch your children grow up and that much closer to total independence. I am so proud of him, he is such a good person, very loving, giving, sympathetic, intelligent and hard working. We're very lucky to have him in our lives.

Lexi wanted to take a photo with her new
Whoopsie Doo doll, she named
Brei (after her middle name):

Jan 2:
Kyler's birthday party. We went "ballistic" bowling to commemorate his special day. They use black lights, have music and tons of lights-perfect chaos for a child's birthday party!
Kyler with his friend Jonathon:


The whole gang- Lexi, Milan,
Kyler, Jonathon and Tom:

Pizza time:

I asked him to smile, and this was my result, of course:

Opening gifts, Tom got him Halo 3:

Jonathon got him

Milan got him a RC motorcycle:

Singing happy birthday to himself, ha ha:

Lexi arm wrestling grandpa!

The bowling alley gave
Kyler a bowling pin to commemorate his special day, everyone signed it:

Grandpa gave this to Lexi, she loves it!

Loving grandpa:
I want to thank everyone who remembered his special day, it truly means a lot. He received many cards, money, gifts and birthday calls/texts, it really does mean a lot to us all. Hope everyone had a great New Years, here's to an amazing 2010!!