...Lexi has become a chef!
this is her self portrait, ha ha...
He had been wanting to join since December when a friend told him about the fun activities.
Doesn't he look so handsome?
Handsome guy.
Lexi wanted a picture with her brother and baby (yes, she's wearing a crown. She wore it daily until it broke).
Of course, being goofy.
Princess Alexia and baby.
...Jared and Kyler went on their first boyscout outing, a "lock in" in an expo center. They had a blast!
Excuse the camera phone photos, Jared didn't want to take a camera for the sake of having to carry it around all evening and morning.
Happy Kyler.

They had tons of events that Jared didn't have a chance to snap a photo of. The boys came home with tons of stories to tell and big smiles.
...While they were gone, Lexi and I had a girls night. We watched Sleeping Beauty, painted our nails, ate hot fudge brownie sundaes and had facials.

Our toes, Lexi painted her own.
Facial time, again Lexi put hers on herself. Little miss independent.
ha ha, he got this out of a quarter machine and wore it religiously for as long as the adhesive would allow.

Kyler and Lexi.
Dad and Kyler
Kyler and Lexi.
ReplyDeleteIn the upclose boy scout picture, Kyler looks so much like Jared... WOW... Love them all...