I attempted some cute pics, however she would not keep her hands out of her mouth. She's been sucking on her fingers since 16 weeks in utero as per ultrasound videos. Silly girl.
The girls and I
The troop and the rockets they built.
Lexi and her doll Lilly.
Arilyn fell asleep in her high chair watching mama cook.

This is a very old cemetery with some tombstones dating back to the early 1800's.
My handsome guy.
The beast, Zed
Sanding Kyler's pinewood derby car.
Such a happy girl!
Taking a walk in the woods near our house.
Kyler shooting leaves with his BB gun.
A tiny salamander we ran across. To compare it's size we placed Zed's leash near.

It's been a pretty calm week here with the usual busy days. On Friday we learned Kyler has walking pneumonia. He and I have had a cough since a few days after his birthday. The dr. was impressed he hadn't spread the illness to baby Arilyn and that he didn't complain and was very optimistic.
Arilyn is getting so big and is doing a little more everyday. She is getting really good with her hand control and is able to roll over when she wants to.
Upcoming...we have Jared's birthday...30 years old! Wow.
Hoping everyone has a great week.
WOW jareds getting OLD! ;p ari is such a cutie, and so is stinkin Zed!