Arilyn Jade, 4 months

My Valentine's gift...a walk in greenhouse.

Jared's gift...a new BBQ

Our new couch.

The beast, Zed.

She loves the doggies.

Kyler had to bake and decorate a cake, solo.
My little baker man.

My sleepy girl

Thanks to my aunt Ruth for
Arilyn's cute new outfit.

Decorating his cake

The finished product and the stud who did it.
The theme was blue and gold and Lego.

The girls and I at the Blue and Gold event.

Jared receiving his award
Kyler receiving his badges and belt loops.

Grandma Carol and aunt Nicole came to visit for a few days. The kids were so excited to walk out of school and see them standing there.


Cuddling with grandma

I love this picture.

Arilyn found her feet!

Playing dollhouse

Cuddle time

Cuddling with her BIG grand daughter

Sleepy baby

Jared took everyone (sans Ari and I, as we all didn't fit) for a drive and to see the waterfalls.
kyler looks like a model next to that waterfall