I love this photo
Avery Park
Baby toes
Teaching Kyler to chop wood.
Ari's first time camping. She loved it!
Kyler's can after he shot at it with his bb gun.

Jared, Lexi, Kyler, Ari and my dad
My dad's dog attacking the waves.

Zed's first time camping too. He loved it, as well.

Waterloo Park

I had my hair cut and colored. I am not quite sure if I like it yet, but change is nice from time to time.

Slip and slide time

More garden blooms. This is a poppy I planted from seeds in April.

I planted these from bulbs in May.

Kyler with his webelo gear

Jared, Lexi, Kyler, Ari and my dad
Zed's first time camping too. He loved it, as well.
Waterloo Park
More garden blooms. This is a poppy I planted from seeds in April.
I planted these from bulbs in May.
Kyler with his webelo gear
Ari napping on sissy
Kyler went to cubscout camp for 3 days and 2 nights! He was so excited and brave. I, on the other hand, was very nervous and hesitant to send him off. Other than spending a night with family or a close friend, he's never been away from us. Luckily, he had a blast! Jared was able to spend one night with him at camp, which I'm sure helped.
Ari playing peek a boo with her bowl.
Lexi is the best sister. She even shares her most prized possesion with Arilyn--food!
Problem is, Ari loves food just as much as Lexi!! Lexi was attacked!!
A few photos from cubscout camp Jared caught. Kyler slept in the green boxcar.

Again, we have been so busy! This summer has been a wonderful one, but I do wish it would slow down a bit.
A few highlights of our last few weeks:
Arilyn had her 9 month check up, she is 19 lbs 5 oz (50th percentile) and 28.5" long (75th percentile). Growing wonderfully and doing all she is supposed to be, plus more.
She has started blowing kisses, giving huge hugs and kisses, saying cat daily, trying to say tons of new big words ("diaper" this morning and "night night" last night), she can stand unsupported and has taken a few steps without realizing it.
Lexi will be 7...yes SEVEN in a little less than 1 month! Amazing how the time has flown. She is an amazing little girl, who loves to please others without hesitation.
Kyler is signed up for soccer, which he is so anxious for!
In a few weeks, Jared and I will celebrate our 11 year anniversary--wow!
School will begin in a month, wow...1st and 4th grade!
So here we are, trying to soak up the last month of summer.
Some very special moments and very special photos! You have made some wonderful memories.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on 11 years of marriage!
Love the pics! You have been busy! The one with Lexi and Arilyn crack me up (especially like the one where Arilyn is trying to grab the Popsicle).