Lexi turned 7 on September 5, school began a few days later, so we decided to hold off on her friend party until the year was a little more established and she could pass out invites. So, we had her slumber party-friend birthday party a few weeks later...
Here she is all ready to party!

She and I. (thanks to
Kyler for snapping this)

Ari Jade.

I surprised her with her cake. When I was 7, I had a ballerina cake and my first slumber party, so this was special to me to pass down. I explained my reasoning to her (plus, she is taking ballet) and she seemed to really enjoy the meaning (
Kyler did, too).

One layer was strawberry, one was
funfetti and they were covered with home made whipped cream.

Ready for friends arrivals.

I was surprised Ari left the hat on long enough for me to snap this.

Pizza time.

(Some of the photos turned out too dark, but these girls were too busy to let me get a good shot.)
Present time!

Such cute girls!

Sasha and
Rylee playing with
Arilyn through the window. Ari loved having a house full of girls!

One friend only stayed for a few hours, the other 3 spent the night.
Facials and nail painting! The girls were acting spooky here, lol.

The next morning--cinnamon rolls and Mexican hot cocoa. Yum!

The slumber party was a hit! I think all of the girls had a blast, I know Lexi did as she exclaimed it was "the best day of her life!" Of course, sleep was sparse that night--but that is to be expected. All of the girls played wonderfully together and were cracking me up all night. Lexi is already planning next year's slumber party. Thanks to the moms for letting us borrow their girls for the night.
Ari is a crazy climber. She climbs toys, furniture, people, etc. She climbed in the dishwasher as I was unloading it. She was so proud of herself!

My little ballerina on her way to dance. Thanks Sam for her dance bag--she loves it!

Trying a fun new hair style.

On Saturday
Kyler had 2 soccer games. He tried SO hard and did so well. I couldn't be any more proud of him!

They were exhausted...2 games in the 80+ degree heat. Poor guy. He played his heart out and was really happy with himself.

Arilyn is a walker! It's hard to believe in less than 2 weeks she will be 1. Where has this time gone? It's been an amazing year, to say the least.
Happy fall everyone!
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