Picture day. 1st and 4
th grade. They picked their own outfits and hair styles.

Sissy sharing a banana (one of the girls favorite foods). Apparently not quick enough.

That's better! And yes, they are wearing matching sweaters. Perhaps the only time I will be able to do this.

Puppy love. Ari and Braille are stalking the cats.

Thanks grandma and grandpa, I love this toy!

And the outfit.

Lexi wrapped some gifts for Ari, too. (Lexi's toys she gave to

Thanks to the
Hydes for my doll and adorable outfit!

More "gifts" from Lexi.
Kyler and Lexi's
tye dye shirts they made at school.

Happy birthday Ari! Early October 7.

birthday love before school.

As I baked cake, cupcakes, made whipped cream frosting and decorated, I let Ari entertain herself with the beaters. Don't worry, minimal sugar was involved--mostly just cream.

The cat cake I
free handed for her.

Oct 8.
Kyler played goalie during their soccer game. They won!
Kyler assisted in a goal, as well. Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to catch a photo.

Ari's birthday party. Thanks to my dad, Melissa, her cute family and Melanie (who drove 4 hours each way from Seattle) for joining us. We had a blast!

This is the only decent photo of Ari I caught in her pretty dress. Unfortunately. I will have to attempt a photo shoot soon. She is just super active which makes it tricky.

Cake time.

She kept "kissing" the cat.

Brayden and his moustache.

The beautiful Melissa and

Pumpkin spice cupcakes.

Still in uniform.

Rylee. Thanks to my dad for filming for me as I captured photos and video with my phone.
She dove right in. When the cat disappeared, we asked "where's cat?" She became very concerned looking for it.

Wiping her hands clean. I think.

She nearly knocked the entire cake off a few times as grandpa cheered loudly.

Just about done...


After a quick bath, she's back in action. Present time!

Kissing her baby

OOOHHH" over the electronic book from grandpa!

Rocking her baby.

Kyler snapped this of Melanie and I right before she left this afternoon.

Hard to believe an entire has come and gone. What a sweet, fun, beautiful little girl we are blessed with. I am very much looking forward to all of the things to come.
Again, thanks to those who helped make her day special--the Endos, the Hollomons, Melanie, the grandparents, the Hydes. All of those who called, texted, etc. It means a lot.
Looks like a great birthday! She looks beautiful in her dress...and the cake is soooooo cute. Sorry we had to miss it.