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2 months

Today marks 2 months since my precious beloved mama passed. I have cried (a lot), yelled, begged, and smiled. In 2 short months, I have aged more than I care to, become stronger than I knew possible, learned who I can count on and what really matters. I have swept all of the everyday small problems far from my view, I have squeezed my loved ones tighter than ever before realizing how precious life is.
There are no words to describe my pain, that each and every day brings. I know this will never subside as there is no 'fix'. I talk about my mom daily, laugh out loud as I replay moments in my head, listen to her favorite music (I am glad she had such great taste in music) often, chat with my siblings more, love deeper and laugh harder. My mom left me with all she knew. She taught me more than anyone can hope to learn and I will keep her love alive. After all, she was the most selfless, caring, loving, warm person and is missed every moment that passes. RIP mama, it's about time you are out of pain.
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