17 weeks (excuse the poor camera phone quality):

A beautiful rainbow in view of our front door:

Saturday, we headed to Clear Lake for a day spent boating. I have never seen such a beautiful lake in my entire life. It's ridiculously clear.

Not sure what kind of face Lexi is making here, ha ha...

All smiles...


We had a hitch hiker on the boat, this butterfly hopped from person to person for about 15 minutes. The lake was full of them.

The kids caught tons of rainbows. One of

Can't recall if this was
Kyler's or Lexi's:

I just loved this tree. This portion of the lake has volcanic rock covering it.

We can't wait to camp here.


Another for
Kyler (I just love how happy Jared looks):

New blooms in our garden:

And the roses are blooming, the lady bugs worked wonders. No more aphids to speak of!

Today Jared went fishing, so the kids and I walked across the street to the park.
Kyler beat me at HORSE.

Lexi takes her baby everywhere. She says "I'm a busy little mama."

Ha ha, Lexi!