On the drive to Stockton.


Welcome to Stockton! My home.

Alexander Les Jacobson. Sweet little boy. 6 days old.

The kids bounced in this thing for a day and a half straight! They had a BLAST!!

Auntie Samantha.

I love this picture.

The proud parents: Cindy and Dave.

My second family: Heidi, Chuck, Cindy, Samantha and Alex.

He's a little angel.

Awesome cake!

Mama and baby.

Samantha and her daughter, Brianna.

Lexi loves Sam.

The adults even had fun bouncing!

Sweet little guy.

Driving home. These kids are the best road trippers, they slept 4-5 hours out of the 9 hour drive.

Lake Shasta. Gorgeous.

Kyler looks grumpy here.

Now he's doing fishy lips.

And his smart
alec smile.

FINALLY: a normal smile! See how long it takes??

Mt. Shasta.
I am so glad we were able to go meet the new little guy and see some amazing friends. I wish our trip was longer, as always. I can't wait to see them again!
looks fun!