A moment of our fireworks. It was the best show I've ever seen. After the grand finale, they did a 'wall of fire', it was amazing.
Camping:Lexi ready to go swim.

Lookout Point Lake, it's so beautiful. We've seen several animals here (deer, bald eagles, small ground animals and coyotes)

Lexi and my sister in law's niece Amy. They are both 5 and had such a great time together.
Lex swimming with grandma.

My sister in law Sandra and Amy.

Grandpa and
Kyler. My dad now calls
Kyler 'sharp shooter' being as he is such a good shot.

The kids: Amy, Lexi,
Bubba and

"Sharp Shooter" in action.
Beach camping:We had a wonderful spot with our own private trail to the beach, soft ground and near the bathroom (which had WARM SHOWERS!).

Joe and Sandra.
Kyler playing in the sand.

Sandra, 19 weeks with a boy and I, 25 weeks with a girl.
Kyler took this photo.
Kyler took this photo as well. Hard to believe the baby will be here soon.
Kyler's message in the sand "I love mom". Such a sweet mama's boy.

Lexi's message in the sand "mom heart". My angel.

Washed up from the ocean, jellyfish?

Kyler, Sandra, Amy and Alexia.

Sandy, Amy and Joey.

Kyler and Amy.

My brother and I. I already miss him. He brings so much joy and laughter everywhere he goes.

Lexi and Amy, they had such a blast together!


Ha ha, Lexi in her running pose.

Uncle Joey is the best playmate!
Alsea Bay.

My dad and brother. Goodbyes are never easy.

Joey and Sandy.

Lexi, Joey,
Winky, Amy and
Kyler. Joey loves
Winky as much as I do. His dog who was
Winky's older brother died a few years ago.
Our past few weeks have been full of company. It's so hard to say goodbye to everyone and go back to missing loved ones. I appreciate all the visitors we've had and hope they will come again.
aww cute pics glad u had fun!!