amazing chalk art

Kyler's painting.

Making a cage. We were so lucky to be able to help out and Lexi was fortunate enough to be able to participate. We had a blast.
The horse cart ride.
Such a beautiful ride.
They had a blast.

Lexi holding a snake.
Kyler's turn.
Petting a baby alligator.

Food experiment: Mentos and Diet Coke.
Kyler volunteered to get sprayed with the soda. He was disappointed when nothing happend. ha ha
The kids checking their experiment.
Their group are the baboons.
They made dough beads and necklaces. Kyler is so good to his sister, he saved her a seat at every station and made sure to explain everything to her.
Modeling her necklace.

Lexi kept up with the boys in this event, such a sporty girl!
Fun hula hoop game.
Tic tac toe.
Making snakes.
Their finished result.
Kyler won this piece to a tortoise shell for correctly answering what adaptation means, such a smart boy!
There were a lot more events I wasn't able to capture on film. They did archery, shot b.b. guns, tons of crafts, hikes, a skit (which everyone loved), etc.

It's been a great month for us, though very busy. Being as I am entering my 3rd trimester, I am exhausted but wouldn't trade any moment of activity for anything.
Looks like you have an amazing and wonderful life up there in Oregan!!