Lexi and her friend, Adria.

Kyler doing the zip line.

Lexi on the obstacle course.

A day on the beautiful river:

Jared and my 10 year anniversary in a few weeks. Yes TEN YEARS!!
Less than 1 month before Lexi's 6th birthday! Wow how time flies.
School for both kiddos. They start the first and second week of September (kindergarten starts a week later than other grades).
My pregnancy has been going pretty smooth. The first trimester brought about 10 weeks of constant nausea (including getting sick often) as well as being very tired.
The second trimester brought about headaches and sciatic nerve pain (which I still deal with-ouch). However, also brought tons of exciting events such as feeling baby move and finding out gender. Not to mention I had energy!
Third trimester has brought a lot of sleepless nights and the need to keep very busy and active (which I've done my entire pregnancy). I am really trying to soak up this pregnancy being as I know it's my last. Keeping my mind positive and only focusing on the good has really made this a wonderful pregnancy even with the issues I've had (glucose intolerance being the most recent). I look forward to meeting my newest little girl every moment of every day. I will miss experiencing her dancing in utero though.
cute blog!!