The kids and I were able to get so close to this squirrel. He was running around eating the tops off of the dandelions, SO adorable.

Jared and Kyler fishing.
A snake in the water.
Daddy and Lexi fishing.
Lexi's hand in comparison to a cougar print?
Fall is in the air...

The countdown to Alexia's birthday has begun...just 12 days left and my little princess will be 6. Wow how bittersweet!!
A big thanks to grandma Pat and grandpa Vaughn for sending Lexi a card and money! She is so excited to pick out a toy.
The kids most recent painted rocks:
Lexi's...the one of the left is a mountain with a waterfall. The one on the right is a baby in a crib.
Thanks to uncle Ian and aunt Marissa for sending Lexi a BIG birthday package! (along with adorable baby stuff)
Aunt Marissa made this tutu herself (she sells them along with her bows-if you're interested, let me know).
Bow made my aunt Marissa.

Thanks to the Endo family for sending us a package full of adorable baby items as well. We are so lucky to have such great family and friends.

Kyler's...left one is a fall scene and the one on the right is Gary the snail from Spongebob.

Aunt Marissa made this tutu herself (she sells them along with her bows-if you're interested, let me know).

We are in week 32 (starting the 8th month) of this pregnancy. The time really is flying and our excitement grows daily. I started a baby page for our family and friends to keep up with her growth:
i luv that squirl pic! ha ha