Here the kids are climbing through the jungle gym...
Arilyn eating mama's arm.
I like this photo, with the black light behind us.
Playing mini golf...
DANGER! lol I just had to take this photo.
Kyler got a hole in one.
The cool course.
Pretty baby girl.
Arilyn is such a big girl, sitting in the bath playing w toys. (thank you Erica for the bath toys--she LOVES them!)
The week started out bumpy...Lexi had the flu for a day or so, Arilyn had a cold and is teething and it was raining. As the week wore on, everyone felt better and the sun began to shine. The kids and I spent a lot of quality time together, which was wonderful! I am very honored to call them my children as they have such amazing minds, hearts and souls.
Now on to Spring and April...
cute picture of lexi and ari