We had a rather typical week. The weather was
gorgeous, the kids had 2 play dates, I kept busy,
Arilyn continued to teethe, Jared worked.
Highlights of our week: My step mom, Sophia, graduated. The kids all ready to go.

She was the outstanding student in her class.

All of us with my dad and Sophia.
The cubscout pinewood derby races:
Lexi with her tulip car. She received many compliments on it.

cubscouts cars.

The 'outlaw' class.

The trophies.
Kyler with his slick car. He also received many compliments.

Lexi and her friend Sasha.

Watching the races.

It has become increasingly difficult to take photos with my ever so grabby
Arilyn in hand, so Jared was relieving me for a few moments.

Lexi's car.

Receiving his medal.

Receiving his award.

The troop
was dad wearing a bowling shirt?