Lexi ready to meet her teacher and have her academic assessment. Her teacher said she did outstanding. Lexi wasn't even shy, which anyone who knows her knows how she can be. She is very anxious and excited to start school now and absolutely LOVES her teacher.

Another week has flown by. Friday I had my Dr appointment, all is well. Baby is head down and healthy as can be. My Dr sent me to test for a liver issue that occurs in pregnancy (very rare though-I believe 1-2 out of every 1,000 pregnancies) called cholestasis as I have some of the symptoms. I should know the results next week. I'm optimistic about it though. If you can keep positive thoughts in regards to the outcome, I'd appreciate it.
Kyler did wonderfully his first week of school. He loves his teacher and is very excited about this years schedule (he gets to learn about native Americans and make a diorama, a few field trips, etc). I'm so proud of him.
I also began babysitting. Lexi is the same age as the twins I watch. They had a blast playing the days away. I will be babysitting 3 kids (one 8 year old and the 6 year old twins) in the mornings before school.
Tomorrow Jared is off to West Virginia for a business trip. Unfortunately he will miss Lexi's first day of kindergarten but she understands. Daddy will walk her to school as soon as he returns. Speaking of her first day of school, she is THRILLED to start on Monday. Please keep her in your thoughts. She'd love to hear some positive words that day as she's a little nervous about being away from mom for that long.
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