Monday, Lexi's first day of
KINDERGARTEN!Dad was on a business trip, unfortunately, so it was just the kids and I. He returned on her 3rd day and was able to walk her.
She walked into school more fear-less than I had anticipated.

It's so strange to me to send TWO kids off to school. The house is so empty and quiet while they're gone...however, it won't be long until the baby arrives.

I stayed with her until she was comfortable enough for me to go (just a few minutes), then I watched from the hallway until I was comfortable enough to go (ha ha-I'm pretty sure it was harder on me than it was her). After I left her class, I attended a volunteer meeting in the school library. As I was leaving, her class walked by and she smiled and blew me a kiss and carried on her way, completely happy. She LOVES school, adores her teacher and has made many friends. Such a big girl!
I'm so lucky to have two kids that love school so much. I have always told them they "get to" go to school, not that they "have to". I think that has made all the difference in the world.
Kyler's doing so well in class already. He exceeds at everything his teacher has thrown his way.
good job lex we are all proud of you!