Thanks to the
Endo family for sending Lexi a
WONDERFUL package. She loves it all!

Thanks again to the Endo family for the baby package (this makes the 2
nd baby package from them). Super adorable things, we love them!

Lexi before her hair cut:

Lexi after her hair cut:
The stylist loved Lexi and wanted to cut her hair shorter and donate it to 'locks of love'. I felt bad declining but I'm not ready to cut her hair shoulder length (again).

Thanks to grandma, grandpa and aunt Nicole.

Lexi getting her first ever manicure. We had a mother/daughter date, what a great time we had.

Thanks to grandma Pam and
September 5th...Lexi's 6th birthday:Her birthday breakfast of choice (it's tradition every year that they pick anything). She chose donuts, scrambled eggs with sprinkles (yes, that's how she likes them) and hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

The vanity set we bought her.
Beautiful birthday girl!

How did I get
THIS lucky? They are such great kids...and look at those adorable faces!

She loves her grandpa!
Kyler and

Fun at Chuck E Cheese's.

My dad and Jared challenged
each other at basketball, Chuck E Cheese style.

The adults had fun, too. ha ha

"Giddy up!"

My dad is so
awesome, he will always be young at heart. It's so much fun to be around him.
Kyler picked out this shirt, says 'smooth like
butta.' He said it attracts the ladies. We went out to dinner and the hostess commented on it,
Kyler turned to us and said
"see I told you!" ha ha, he's a riot.

From us:


She was saying
"awww how cute!"

Daddy picked this one out.

Her gift from grandpa Bob-a Build A Bear puppy that barks, super cute!

Lexi opted for cupcakes this year instead of cake. Kind of odd for me being as the cake has always been such a big tradition. They were fun, delicious and easy though. I made devil's food cupcakes with cream cheese and mini chocolate chip filling.

They loved them.

The kids with grandpa.
It's hard to believe my little girl is 6. I cannot be more thankful for her. She is an absolute joy; always positive and optimistic, willing and eager to help, very thoughtful, loving and compassionate, such a beautiful, giggly, happy, smart, wonderful, amazing person...a pure joy! Thanks to everyone who aided in making her day extra special, it truly means a lot as she deserves to know how special she is.
Tomorrow is the annual back to school BBQ and open house at school. Hard to believe school begins so soon. Seems this summer has flown by. Luckily the kids both have great teachers (from what I'm told) this year.
This week also marks 34 weeks for 2 short weeks I will be considered term and can deliver at any time. This pregnancy is coming to an end. So bittersweet.
what a fun birthday! :) i luv LUV kylers shirt lol