Lexi asked for a friend party this year since she is a big
kindergartner with her very own friends. Being as her birthday is September 5
th and school began September 13
th, we decided to hold off until the end of September so she could make some friends (which she did immediately) to invite. She had an absolute blast! The entire time we listened to the girls giggle constantly over seemingly nothing. It was so fun to see them all so happy.
Waiting on 1 guest, the girls were playing in Lexi's room. Wow they were little tornadoes through the toys, of course that's to be expected.

The hula hoop game, so fun.

Pin the tail on the donkey. Lexi was the victor.

When the kids were done, Jared and I played! Ha ha, we are kids are heart,
after all.

Lexi wanted to do cupcakes instead of a cake. I came up with the idea to let the kids make their own kitty faces from candy. They loved it!


Present time!
We had a pull string pinyata for Kenns 2nd bday party too, we didn't know it was so we kept hitting it until we discovered the string thing! lol.. glad lexi had a good time!