Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween and everything in between

Arilyn in her new car seat.
Our tree with it's gorgeous fall colors.
We made homemade caramel apples.

They were delicious and lots of fun.

My sleeping beauty.

Our pumpkins, only a few were not homegrown.
In order: the owl was mine, the skull was Kyler's, the face was grandma Pam's and the kitty was Lexi's. Daddy helped the kids with theirs.
The kids painted pumpkins as well.
Happy Halloween from Luigi, the cheerleader and the burrito baby!
Doing the Luigi walk.
Lexi cheering!
Kyler holding Arilyn on his pajama day before school. His favorite morning activity.
Kyler snapped a few photos of myself with my little girl. I love her so much!

Today was a gorgeous day so we went to the lake.
Daddy and Kyler fishing.
It's so beautiful here.

Lexi loves to play and get dirty.

My sunshine.
Such a beautiful fall day.

Today was parent teacher conferences...
First up...Lexi. She is far exceeding all of her kindergarten goals. For example, on sounds her goal is 3 and she is at 43!! And this continues on everything. Her teacher said she is an absolute joy, very positive and optimistic (calls her her little cheerleader), said the girls fight over Lexi constantly.
Next up...Kyler. He too is far exceeding all of his goals. He's in 3rd grade, reading at an 8th grade level! Wow...amazing. She said he is such a great student, gets along wonderfully with everyone, enjoys being challenged and learning. She has had him grade his own work and said he grades harder than she does. She has been giving him 'special assignments' in class as well.
I am SO proud of my babies. Words cannot express the pride I have in them. Not just in school, but in every aspect of life. I have always had high expectations and hopes for them and they have never once disappointed. Arilyn is right in line with them as she has been copying us already--something she should not be doing this early. Wow I am a lucky mom!!

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