Thursday, December 6, 2012

Them. by Kyler Flores

(Blogger is having issues and I am unable to upload pictures currently. I will catch up ASAP.)

During free write, Kyler's teacher instructed the class to write about a door. This is his amazing story:


    It took over. Curiosity killed the cat, they say and it almost killed me. I was only 9 but I still do not go there. I've never gone back to school. I'm 13 now, home schooled since 4th grade. It has never happened since until today...
    Ring! Ring! Nine o' clock a.m., my birthday. I race downstairs hoping to be showered with cake and presents but instead I was showered with corn flakes and a weak "happy birthday." "That's all?" I say. "I'm sorry Nathan, but we just don't have enough money." My mom says. "But we did get you a little something." Says my father. He pushes a small tin towards me with $10 enclosed. "Thanks!" I say. "And you can walk down to the store yourself?" He asks. "Yeah, dad. I'm 14 now." I say sarcastically. "Okay then, see you later." Says my mom. I slip on my sweater and begin the trek down to the grocery store, not knowing how dangerous it would be.

    "Hey Nathan! I got you a present." It was my best friend Denny. "You did?" I ask. "Yeah, follow me. Your parents let you go down to 8th St.?" "Yeah." I say "Why?" "You'll see."

    Minutes later we arrive on 8th St. "You know this house, how it's supposedly 'haunted'?" "Yeah" I say "so?" "So you're coming in with me!" "You sure about this, Denny?" "Yeah, why are you too chicken?" "NO!" I shout. I walk up to the front door and slowly I rest my trembling hand on the rusty doorknob. That door triggered a memory from when I was 9. Then I walk into the dark, ominous room. Then I see them. The same things I saw in 4th grade. White hooded potato sacks on their heads, eyes glowing like floodlights.

    Then I wake up in my bed. 9 o'clock a.m. my birthday. I hop out of bed, this time not expecting anything. My parents start "hap-" but it's interrupted by their shouts of terror. "Honey, call the cops!" Mom screams. "What?!" I say, noticing my voice is much deeper. I rush to the bathroom mirror. What I see makes me feel as if 500 volts of electricity was coursing through my veins. I was one of them!

    I jump out of the window, unaware of why I was running. I thought I was running from myself, but wound up finding Denny. I pulled him towards me, amazed at my own strength. But I am soon blinded by headlights, no these were smaller and brighter...He was one of them! I scream in his face "What did you do to me and why?!" "Oh so the transformation was a success." He says. "What do you mean 'success'? I don't even know what I am!" "Let me start with your first question. Remember 5 years ago when you sacrificed me to them? Well I do. And your irresponsibility sneaking into the Principal's office everyday 'I wonder what's behind that door'. Remember that?!" He said sternly. "Yes." I say. "Well one day you decided to try and it was locked. But the next day it wasn't. So you decided to stroll right in with me following behind. Then when you got caught by 'us' they took me and not you! You ran slamming the door shut, leaving to the safety of your home. But they took me to 8th St. The same house I took you to. Then I woke up in my house, thinking it was all a dream. But out of the corner of my eyes I saw red and blue sirens. I immediately ran outside. The cops yelled 'get him!' I've been on the run ever since." "That still doesn't explain what we are!" Now I am screaming at the top of my lungs. "Have you tried unzipping your hoodie?" He asks. "No, I guess I haven't." Uneasily I place my gloved hand on the zipper. All I see is a compilation of wires, circuits and lights. "So I am not even ALIVE?!" I shout. "No, you are very well alive, just...'reprogrammed'." "What do you mean reprogrammed?! And why do you sound so calm about everything?" "It's not a bad thing, just trust me." He replies. I shove him to the ground without thinking twice. "LIAR!" I shout. I sprint to a deserted house. Looking back, I see Denny has returned to his normal form. I now know how to turn back to normal. I have to pass it on to someone else. I now wait on 8th St, awaiting my victim. So stay away from me. I lurk in the shadows, waiting to make my move. So stay in the light or YOU-ARE-NEXT!

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