Saturday, March 19, 2011

spring time!

Arilyn is teething, for sure.
She is also constantly in a state of motion..there's not stopping this girl. I had been wondering if she'd be an active baby as she never stopped dancing in utero during my entire pregnancy.

Happy St. Patrick's day! (yes Kyler wore that hat to school)

New pajamas.
I love her chubby little ankles and tiny little feet. One day she will be furious that she has my wide feet.
My sleeping beauty.

Now that her tippy toes reach the floor in her walker, she constantly is pushing herself backwards. She is on the move!!
The kids and Jared made me a birthday cake. Yum, it was delicious. Plus I am super stoked to finally have a Bundt pan!
Jared also bought me orange tulips.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!
This week is the kids spring break! We are very much looking forward to some quality family time. Unfortunately Jared will be off to a trade show in South Carolina all week.
Happy spring everyone!

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